點此購買雙子星座 Starpoint Gemini 含 1.005 升級 即時戰略遊戲 英文版
遊戲名稱: 雙子星座 Starpoint Gemini 含 1.005 升級
遊戲語系: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD)
保護格式: 無保護
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 見遊戲簡介下方
遊戲類型: 即時戰略
更新日期: 2010.12.15
遊戲發行: Little Green Men(S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://gamerzbali.wordpress.com/2010/12/30/starpoint-gemini
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Update 1.005 升級修正以下錯誤↓
- When you change ship, Grappling beam and transporter are now re-equipped.
- Fixed a bug where active fighters didnt get flushed from memory when changing maps.
- Sector Zero is now inaccessible, until required otherwise.
- Fixed target lock instability after loading.
- Fixed a bug concerning Captains log, with possible issues appearing when Log was filled to the max and Freelance missions get reactivated.
- When docking/undocking HUD is now deactivated.
- When docking/undocking shortcuts are now deactivated.
- Gemini map shortcut now opens and closes the panel.
- Fixed a bug where shortcuts could be triggered while typing a save game name.
- Fixed various bugs in the Options panel
- Fixed a bug where launching fighters in a sector with max ship numbers could cause CTD.
- Ships that must be destroyed by quest will now self destruct when captured.
- Various errors fixed in texts and panels.
- Power to Shields maneuver increases Shield recharge by 15%,25%,35% per level and reduces Speed and Weapons reload by 7%,10%,13%.
- Power to Weapons maneuver speeds up Reload by 15%,25%,35% per level and reduces Speed and Shield recharge by 7%,10%,13%.
- Power to Engines maneuver raises speed by 40%,70%,100% per level and reduces Reload and Shield recharge by 20%,25%,30%.
- Transport range is now accurately taken into account when attempting transport.
- Transport is now interrupted when exiting Transport range.
- Fixed a bug where switching target lock while transporting switched transport target as well.
- Fixed a bug where capturing a ship didnt automatically end when the capture target died.
- Fixed a bug where ships would respawn instantly.
- Fixed a bug where player could get attacked while docked.
- Fixed a bug where captured ship could not be destroyed.
- Fixed a bug where all station docks could be filled while attempting docking during combat.
- AI allies will no longer attack a ship player has captured.
- Fixed numerous smaller bugs.
軟、硬體需求(參考遊戲安裝後的 ReadMe.txt 檔案)
- PC, Windows XP or later
- DirectX 9.0C or later
- CPU 1.3 GHz Single core
- 768 MB RAM
- DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card, 128MB RAM, Shader 3.0
- Mouse
- Onboard sound card
- 3 GB of free hard drive space
‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
NTFS 格式硬碟
‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明