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NI STS Development Software 20.0.0 半導體測試系統 英文版









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HoneRiSO Rip 
軟體名稱: NI STS Development Software 20.0.0 
語系版本: 英文版 
光碟片數: 單片裝(藍光雙層 50GB) 
保護種類: 授權檔 
破解說明: 見最底下
系統支援: 適用 64 位元版的 Windows 10/2016/2019 
硬體需求: PC 
軟體類型: 半導體測試系統 
更新日期: 2021.09.11 
軟體發行: Native Instruments(O.D) 
官方網站: https://www.ni.com/zh-tw/shop/electronic-test-instrumentation/what-is-the-semiconductor-test-system.html
中文網站: 無 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 

Semiconductor Test System Development Software  可開發、執行、除錯並部署 
半導體測試系統軟體 (STS) 應用。 
Semiconductor Test System Development Software 提供測試管理集與適用於STS 
測試程式碼、客制操作人員介面、最佳化平行測試效率 (PTE)、以標準測試資料格 
式 (STDF) 產生報告、維護並校準測試機。 
Semiconductor Test System Development Software 安裝後所產生的捷徑 
|       IVI-C Driver Reference 
|       LabView Driver Reference 
|       Operating manual 
|       Power Off Utility 
|       Power On Utility 
|       S2VNA 
|       SCPI Programming Manual 
|       Uninstall 
+---Erlang OTP 22 (x64) 
|       Erlang Documentation 
|       Erlang 
|   ---VI Package Manager 
|           Check for Application Updates 
|           Online Support.url 
|           VI Package Manager (VIPM) 
+---National Instruments 
|   |   NI Customer Experience Improvement Program (32-bit) 
|   |   NI Customer Experience Improvement Program (64-bit) 
|   |   NI Device Monitor 
|   |   NI Distributed System Manager 2019 
|   |   NI Distributed System Manager 2020 
|   |   NI IO Trace 
|   |   NI Package Manager 
|   |   NI Registration Wizard 
|   |   NI Update Service 
|   |   NI Web Server Configuration 
|   |   RIO Device Setup 
|   | 
|   +---Bluetooth Direct Test Mode 
|   |       Bluetooth Direct Test Mode Documentation 
|   |       Bluetooth Direct Test Mode Examples 
|   |       Bluetooth Direct Test Mode Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---Datasocket 
|   |       DataSocket Server Help 
|   |       DataSocket Server Manager 
|   |       DataSocket Server 
|   | 
|   +---ETSync 
|   |       ETSync DotNET Wrappers 
|   | 
|   +---FPGA Power Servo 
|   |       FPGA Power Servo DotNET Wrappers 
|   | 
|   +---High-Speed Serial Instruments 
|   |       High-Speed Serial Instruments Documentation 
|   | 
|   +---InstrumentStudio 2019 
|   |       InstrumentStudio 2019 SP1 
|   | 
|   +---InstrumentStudio 2021 
|   |       InstrumentStudio 2021 
|   | 
|   +---IVI 
|   |       ICP Documentation 
|   | 
|   +---LabVIEW 2020 SP1 (64-bit) 
|   |       LabVIEW 2020 SP1 (64-bit) Help 
|   |       LabVIEW 2020 SP1 (64-bit) Manuals 
|   |       LabVIEW 2020 SP1 (64-bit) Readme 
|   |       LabVIEW 2020 SP1 (64-bit) 
|   | 
|   +---License Manager 
|   |       License Manager Readme 
|   |       NI License Manager 
|   | 
|   +---Measurement Studio 
|   |       Measurement Studio Documentation 
|   |       Measurement Studio Examples 
|   |       Measurement Studio Getting Started Guide 
|   | 
|   +---Measurement Studio Shared 
|   |       Measurement Studio Installer Builder 
|   | 
|   +---NI FlexRIO 
|   |       FlexRIO Adapter Module Documentation 
|   |       FlexRIO Help 
|   | 
|   +---NI FPGA Interface C API 20.0 
|   |       NI FPGA Interface C API Examples 
|   |       NI FPGA Interface C API Generator 
|   |       NI FPGA Interface C API Help 
|   | 
|   +---NI-488.2 
|   |       GPIB Analyzer 
|   |       GPIB Ethernet Wizard 
|   |       GPIB Examples 
|   |       GPIB Hardware Guide 
|   |       GPIB Help 
|   |       GPIB Interactive Control 
|   |       NI-488.2 Readme 
|   | 
|   +---NI-568x 
|   |       NI-568x Documentation 
|   |       NI-568x Examples 
|   |       NI-568x Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---NI-5690 
|   |   |   NI-5690 Examples 
|   |   | 
|   |   ---NI-5690 Documentation 
|   |           NI-5690 Readme 
|   |           NI-5690 RF Signal Conditioning Devices Help 
|   | 
|   +---NI-845x 
|   |       NI-845x Documentation 
|   | 
|   +---NI-DAQmx 
|   |       NI-DAQmx Documentation 
|   |       NI-DAQmx Examples 
|   | 
|   +---NI-DCPower 
|   |       NI-DCPower Documentation 
|   |       NI-DCPower Examples 
|   |       NI-DCPower Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---NI-Digital 
|   |       NI Digital Pattern Documentation 
|   |       NI Digital Pattern Editor 
|   |       NI Digital Pattern Examples 
|   | 
|   +---NI-DMM 
|   |       NI-DMM Documentation 
|   |       NI-DMM Examples 
|   |       NI-DMM Soft Front Panel 
|   |       NI-DMM Waveform Demo 
|   | 
|   +---NI-FGEN 
|   |       NI-FGEN Documentation 
|   |       NI-FGEN Examples 
|   |       NI-FGEN Soft Front Panel 
|   |       Script Editor 
|   | 
|   +---NI-HSDIO 
|   |       NI-HSDIO Documentation 
|   |       NI-HSDIO Examples 
|   |       Script Editor 
|   | 
|   +---NI-HWS 
|   |       NI Hierarchical Waveform Storage Help 
|   | 
|   +---NI-RFPM 
|   |       NI-RFPM Documentation 
|   |       NI-RFPM Examples 
|   | 
|   +---NI-RFSA 
|   |       NI-RFSA Documentation 
|   |       NI-RFSA Examples 
|   |       NI-RFSA Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---NI-RFSG 
|   |       NI-RFSG Documentation 
|   |       NI-RFSG Examples 
|   |       NI-RFSG Soft Front Panel (Classic) 
|   |       NI-RFSG Soft Front Panel (InstrumentStudio) 
|   | 
|   +---NI-RFSG Playback Library 
|   |       NI-RFSG Playback Library Documentation 
|   |       NI-RFSG Playback Library Examples 
|   | 
|   +---NI-SCOPE 
|   |       NI-SCOPE Documentation 
|   |       NI-SCOPE Examples 
|   |       NI-SCOPE Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---NI-Serial 
|   |       NI-Serial Documents 
|   |       NI-Serial Help 
|   |       NI-Serial Troubleshooter 
|   | 
|   +---NI-SWITCH 
|   |       NI Switch Health Center 
|   |       NI-Switch Documentation 
|   |       NI-Switch Examples 
|   |       NI-SWITCH Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---NI-VISA 
|   |       NI-VISA Documentation 
|   |       NI-VISA Driver Wizard 
|   |       NI-VISA Examples 
|   |       NI-VISA Interactive Control 
|   | 
|   +---Package Builder 
|   |       NI Package Builder 32-bit 
|   |       NI Package Builder 64-bit 
|   | 
|   +---R Series Multifunction RIO 
|   |       Calibrate 78xxR Device 
|   |       R Series Multifunction RIO FAQ 
|   |       R Series Multifunction RIO Product Documentation 
|   | 
|   +---RF Calibration 
|   |   +---S2P Cascade Utility 
|   |   |       S2P Cascade Utility Documentation 
|   |   |       S2P Cascade Utility 
|   |   | 
|   |   +---STS RF User-Defined Calibration Assistant 
|   |   |       STS RF User-Defined Calibration Assistant Documentation 
|   |   | 
|   |   ---STS SnP File Viewer 
|   |           NISnPFileViewer 
|   | 
|   +---RFFE CSV to Pattern Utility 
|   |       RFFE CSV to Pattern Utility 
|   | 
|   +---RFIC Test Software 
|   |       RFIC Documentation 
|   |       RFIC Legacy Examples 
|   |       RFIC Test Automation Wizard 
|   |       RFIC Test Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx Bluetooth 
|   |       RFmx Bluetooth Documentation 
|   |       RFmx Bluetooth Examples 
|   |       RFmx Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx CDMA2k 
|   |       RFmx CDMA2k Documentation 
|   |       RFmx CDMA2k Examples 
|   |       RFmx CDMA2k Measurement Interactive Panel 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx Demod 
|   |       RFmx Demod Documentation 
|   |       RFmx Demod Examples 
|   |       RFmx Demod Measurement Interactive Panel 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx EV-DO 
|   |       RFmx EV-DO Documentation 
|   |       RFmx EV-DO Examples 
|   |       RFmx EV-DO Measurement Interactive Panel 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx GSM 
|   |       RFmx GSM Documentation 
|   |       RFmx GSM Examples 
|   |       RFmx Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx LTE 
|   |       RFmx LTE Documentation 
|   |       RFmx LTE Examples 
|   |       RFmx Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx NR 
|   |       RFmx NR Documentation 
|   |       RFmx NR Examples 
|   |       RFmx Soft Front Panel 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx SpecAn 
|   |       RFmx Soft Front Panel 
|   |       RFmx SpecAn Documentation 
|   |       RFmx SpecAn Examples 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx TD-SCDMA 
|   |       RFmx Soft Front Panel 
|   |       RFmx TD-SCDMA Documentation 
|   |       RFmx TD-SCDMA Examples 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx Waveform Creator 
|   |       RFmx Waveform Creator Documentation 
|   |       RFmx Waveform Creator Examples 
|   |       RFmx Waveform Creator for Bluetooth 
|   |       RFmx Waveform Creator for WLAN 
|   |       RFmx Waveform Creator 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx WCDMA 
|   |       RFmx Soft Front Panel 
|   |       RFmx WCDMA Documentation 
|   |       RFmx WCDMA Examples 
|   | 
|   +---RFmx WLAN 
|   |       RFmx Soft Front Panel 
|   |       RFmx WLAN Documentation 
|   |       RFmx WLAN Examples 
|   | 
|   +---Sound and Vibration 
|   |   |   Sound and Vibration Documentation 
|   |   | 
|   |   ---Sound and Vibration Examples 
|   |           Sound and Vibration 2020 (64-bit) Example VIs 
|   |           Sound and Vibration 2020 (64-bit) Sample Projects 
|   | 
|   +---STS 
|   |   ---Documentation 
|   |       ---Help 
|   |               STS Documentation Portal 
|   |               STS Help 
|   | 
|   +---STS Maintenance Software 
|   |       Documentation 
|   |       STS Maintenance Software 
|   | 
|   +---STS RF Debug Panels 
|   |       STS RF Debug Panels Documentation 
|   |       STS RF Debug Panels 
|   | 
|   +---SystemLink 
|   |       NI SystemLink Client Tray App 
|   |       NI SystemLink Client 
|   |       NI SystemLink Server Configuration 
|   | 
|   +---TestStand 2020 (64-bit) 
|   |   |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Documentation 
|   |   |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Examples 
|   |   |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Sequence Editor 
|   |   |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) User Interfaces 
|   |   | 
|   |   ---Tools 
|   |       |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Database Viewer 
|   |       |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Deployment Utility 
|   |       |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) LabVIEW NXG Conversion Utility 
|   |       |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Offline Results Processing Utility 
|   |       |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Sequence Analyzer 
|   |       |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Sequence File Converter 
|   |       |   TestStand 2020 (64-bit) XML Packaging Utility 
|   |       | 
|   |       ---Compatibility 
|   |               TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Legacy Model Switcher 
|   |               TestStand 2020 (64-bit) Migration Utility 
|   | 
|   +---TestStand Shared 
|   |       TestStand File Diff and Merge Utility 
|   |       TestStand Version Selector 
|   | 
|   +---Timing and Synchronization 
|   |   ---NI-Sync 
|   |       +---Documentation 
|   |       |       NI-Sync C API Reference 
|   |       |       NI-Sync LabVIEW API Reference 
|   |       |       NI-Sync Readme 
|   |       | 
|   |       ---Examples 
|   |               NI-Sync LabVIEW 2020 (64-bit) Examples 
|   | 
|   ---Vector Signal Transceivers 
|           NI VST Documentation 
|           VST Self Calibrate 
            SC2250 Documentation 
            SI2250 IVI Driver 2.4.0 Documentation 

‧測試環境 Windows 10.21H1 64位元繁體中文企業版、AMD CPU、4 GB 記憶體。 
‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明 


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